Proyecto Integrador
My life Project Semana 4 modulo 7
Jesús Carbajal Flores.
a. What are your personal goals?
1. I am
going to stady, sep online prepa, and I want to get a good average.
2. In the future, I want to learn
another language.
b. What are your future plans about
your studies?
1. To have better opportunities in my
life, I am going to study in engineering school.
2. I am going to the engineering
school, because I want study electromechanical automotive.
c. What are your future plans about your
1. I am going to support my son oscar,
to study a bachelo's degree in industrial engineering statistics.
2. In the future, my daughter Diana,
wants study at a business school. And nelly, She wants to study in a medical
d. What are you going to do to be
1. I am going to do exercise, to be in
2. I am going to visit the doctor, to
be healthier.
e. Write one goal you wish to achieve
in the next five years.
In next five year, I want save money,
to have my own business.
f. What
will you do to achieve that goal?
I am going
to study and work hard to achieve my goals.

Question number

Question number five.

To make my integration project, I
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